Creating real-world results and taking Silver along the way
For the first and only time in Graphis’ history, a single work has been recognized with the group’s highest honor in four different awards annual categories — and we’re proud to say it’s one of ours.
Traction Factory’s poster “2 Minutes,” created for the ALS Association Wisconsin Chapter’s 2017 Kentucky Derby Party, earned its fourth Platinum Award in Graphis’ Design 2019 annual. It was previously awarded a Platinum in Graphis’ Poster 2019 and Advertising 2018 competitions, as well as in Graphis’ Typography 4 tri-annual.
“Traction Factory excelled by having received four Platinum Awards from Graphis for a single poster,” said B. Martin Pedersen, Publisher and Creative Director of Graphis Inc. “Each competition was scored by a different panel of judges, so this is truly impressive.”
Among the more than 1,000 winning pieces across all four competitions, “2 Minutes” was singled out as one the 10-12 best pieces of work included in each annual.
“For one piece of work to be recognized with one Platinum Award from Graphis is an achievement itself. To have one piece be honored by four different sets of judges in four unique categories is absolutely remarkable,” said Traction Factory president Scott Bucher. “For Peter and our team to be the first and only team in Graphis’ history to achieve this speaks to the world-class talent we have at Traction Factory and the level of work being done by the creative community in Milwaukee.”
“2 Minutes” was art directed by Traction Factory executive creative director Peter Bell, with copy from Jay Sanders, production art from Christopher Dick and account direction and management from Shannon Egan and Whitney Marshall.
In addition to the Platinum recognition in Graphis’ Design 2019 annual for “2 Minutes,” Traction Factory earned three Silver Awards for “The Just Right Tool” campaign storybook for Snap-on Tools; “Community Outreach Vehicle” for the Milwaukee Fire Department; and “Toast To Hope” for Iron Town Harley-Davidson.